Sunday, December 11, 2011

New fences; new hangouts

We recently rearranged the gates in the downstairs. We got rid of the clunky chair/bag of rice/chair trio that was guarding the way between the couches and put up gates at the base of the stairs and at the entryway to the kitchen.

The girls have loved the extra space. In fact, they now spend probably 60% of their time out in the hallway instead of in the family room/play area. And of that 60% spent in the hallway, 60% is spent on the little linoleum square before the front door. I don't know why they like it so much -- it's cold in the mornings and slippery to walk on in socks -- but they do.

By the way, do you like the sweatpants? It's been getting colder, so they spend lots of time in them.

The little red ribbons they are wearing are actually connected to the bells they received at the Polar Express themed ward Christmas party we went to last Saturday. Sadly, I did not take my camera, so I've no pictures. Ashlee does though.

If you look closely, you will find that all three girls are in the above picture. Charlie is hiding behind the corner, sitting (of course) on the linoleum square.

All that room to play in, and they are all three congregated right there on that little four by four patch of slippery, cold linoleum. *shakes head and grins* Silly, adorable girls.

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