Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The End

Yep. That's about it. If you want further triplet news, Ashlee's blog is the place for you. If you want more news of me... well, I'll be starting up a new blog soon (I'll edit in the link when I have it), but I can't guarantee that I'll post any more regularly there than I have here.

So we meet the end of this blog. It's been fun for me to write. I hope it's been fun for you to look at.

EDIT: That new blog link is right here.

1 comment:

  1. I mourn the end of this blog. But I am resigned.

    Also, it has been DAYS since we have talked. I am quite concerned about you. And disappointed in Legolas. He was supposed to make this communicating thing EASIER.

    Your last posts are overflowing with cuteness. I hope you get to see the girls again as soon as possible. Love you!
