Wednesday, August 24, 2011

They're cute. Of course.

Charlie in the middle of flopping herself down.
Mia loving on the pillow.

Playtime with Momma.Kisses for Abigail!
More sippies...
And more sippies. Mom (my mom: the one in the picture, not the girls' mom [she's in town, visiting]) said I'd never taken pictures of them drinking out of their sippies. So now I have.
More sippy business.

And we'll finish up with some Charlie-trying-to-grab-the-camera action.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Cute girls ready for church.Lunch time from sometime this week.
Sitting on the couch like old women.
Daddy reading to all three of his girls.
A messy attempt at giving the girl's more grown-up food. (We took the girls in for their one-year check up and the Doc said to get them off bottles.)

That's a pretty dirty baby.

So Concentrated

See, I didn't have any vids of just Abby before, so here's one. She loves her movies, and can concentrate on them like something else. I'm pretty sure she'll grow up to be a rocket scientist or Superwoman.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The List

I'm sorry, I've been neglecting my blog. I'm feeling too lazy to go all the way downstairs for my camera, so no pics or videos in this post, but I hope you find it worth reading anyway.

The Ever-Growing List of Silly Things People Say When They See Triplets.

1. 'Are they all identical?'

Uh, duh. Charlotte looks completely different from the other two. Use your eyeballs, people.

2. 'All girls? All boys?'

Again, there's this invention, it's several thousand years old, it's called Sight. Use it. Do boys usually wear bright purple or pink? Do they generally wear skirts? Clothes with flowers and fruit printed all over? What about hair-bows? I mean, really. Some people might as well be blind for all they use their eyes.

3. When both Ashlee and I are present: 'Who is the Mom?'

This one's not so much unintelligent as awkward. I'm eighteen, for goodness sake.

4. 'Triplets, huh? How did that happen?'

Some waiter dude asked Ashlee that when we went out to eat a few weeks ago. *facepalm* Um, go look it up, buddy. It's not really table conversation.

5. 'Who is your favorite?'

A lady in our new ward asked me this gem. I was gobsmacked. I wanted to ask her if she has a favorite child, but instead I said (in, I'm sure, a shocked voice), 'How could you choose a favorite from three such adorable babies?' At which she, realizing she'd messed up, asked, 'Sorry, I meant, is there one that's easiest to get along with? Sweetest? That you like holding and playing with most?' I shook my head, unable to answer. I mean, c'mon! Children are not flavors of ice cream! They change everyday, they have bad days and good days, they go through various moods and stages and phases. You can not just say, Oh, this one's the sweetest; this one is the easiest to get along with; this one is the cutest. It doesn't work like that. They're people! They defy all compartmentalization.

6. Anything that is said under the assumed knowledge that I'm the girls' mom.

The people who just assume I'm Mommy always sound ridiculous. No way around it. Like, the other day, when an electricity guy was here. Ashlee was upstairs, rocking one of the girls. The other two were already up; I was on the couch holding one, Jared answered the door holding the other. This guy came in, talked about miscellaneous guy stuff for a minute, then asked if the girls were twins. Jared told him that they were triplets and that the third was upstairs, asleep. To which this guy replied, 'Ah, no wonder Mom's being so quiet over there.'

Now, as awkward as it is for me when people assume I'm the mom/have to ask whether I'm the mom or Ashlee is, I can understand (sort of). The girls do kind of resemble me; we're related, after all. But this guy didn't meet us at the grocery store. He met us in a room where several pictures of Jared and Ashlee (who looks nothing like me) and at least one of them both with the girls, were proudly displayed. >.>

There's more to the list, but I don't feel like writing it all down. I hope this has given you a taste of the silliness of people when they see multiples. If ever you see people with more than one baby about the same age (and I'm sure you will), please keep this post in mind. You don't want to be quoted on their Silly People Lists. ;P