Sunday, October 2, 2011


Because I promised someone I would blog tonight, I am blogging this at 1 am, because I didn't remember until I was about to go to sleep. See, I keep my promises. These pictures are from last month around the time when Mom visited.
Enjoying some grandbaby bonding time.
We thought this picture was funny because Abby looks nekkid. She'd thrown up on her clothes and was in just her diaper for the moment, because we were getting ready to take them all upstairs and give them a bath.
Abby and Grandma watching a movie together. Also, Abby's very first 'mama' in sign language, caught on camera. Oh, yes. I am good.
We loved having you, Mom! Even if you had me take a bazillion videos that will take a year to load when I get around to it.


  1. So you can stay up that late without my help? That's rather disappointing ... :) But I love the pictures, and I want the videos. And, hey, you can chat with me while they're uploading!

  2. Those were great, All I got to say is its about time. I love them, Thank you sooo much. now if we could just get you to go back to the weekly blog it would be teriffic,keep it up.

  3. Those were great, All I got to say is its about time. I love them, Thank you sooo much. now if we could just get you to go back to the weekly blog it would be teriffic,keep it up.
