Some cuteness. I mostly took this video to catch the cute noises the girls make.
Ah, here we see Mia, doing what she loves to do: smashing her face into a soft, squishy surface. She loves to do it. Mostly to pillows, but she does it to the stuffed ladybug, turtle, and Eeyore, too. It's pretty dang adorable, if you ask me.
And finally, we have Charlie, showing her Houdini-like skill of getting out of her bumbo.
Sorry, no videos just of Abigail. I'll work on that.
P.S. This post was written at one in the morning. I think it shows. Don't judge my crappy one o' clock in the morning writing skills. Now, I'm going to sleep, 'cause I hafta get up at 7:30 am tomorrow. You should all leave me wonderful comments, 'cause I sacrificed my sleep to bring you this blog post. Goodnight.