Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Posty Post Post Post

Kay, so I know I've been remiss; I haven't posted in far too long. I'd love to give you some reason that completely excuses me, such as 'I lost my camera!' or ' Hey guys, my computer caught a deadly virus, oops!' but... fortunately, neither of those things are true. (I would be very upset if they were.) The truth, however... is lame. But here it is.

My mom visited a few weeks back, and we took a lot of videos, and videos take ages to upload on youtube, and the task was so daunting, I kept putting it off. And THEN the girls got sick, and I was just holding onto this ride by the very tips of my fingers, and I either didn't have enough time to blog, or I spent the time worrying the girls would wake and throw up any second. And then... I was out of the habit of blogging. So I'm having to get back in the habit again.

I will be trying to catch up over the next few days, so expect more posts soon.